Meaning of Chakra

The term chakra comes from Sanskrit, the sacred language of ancient India.  You will experience a taste of the Sanskrit language in Inner Connections Yoga classes.

Chakra means "wheel" or "turning." In fact, the chakras revolve continuously and through their rotation, we take in energy from our surroundings - plants, animals, and other people, as well as from the sun, moon, planets and the entire cosmos. Chakras are sometimes described as funnel-shaped flowers. Yet, at the same time, they allow prana (energy) to radiate from within us and act as miniature suns. Each chakra serves as a kind of way station in which energy is collected, transmitted, and made available for the ongoing processes of an individual's physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual life.   

You can make a positive impression in the world and influence your surroundings for the better by working with your chakras. Working with these vortices of energy, the chakras promote harmony between your inner and outer worlds.